Disorganised Zine
Lonely London
This is a collection of film photography taken within 2019.
December 2019
I am not an articulate person, I find it difficult to explain why I took a certain photo, or the meaning behind it. All i can say is that I was in this frame of mind at the time and I think it somehow translated onto these images.
Loneliness is a state of mind I have been experiencing and
reflecting on recently.
I am in my mid twenties, I currently live alone, I have a full time job, I have friends that are nearby and a family I can visit easily. Yet, I feel very alone.
I actually enjoy being alone a lot, but like everyone it can get boring and depressing.
This becomes very apparent to me when walking alone around the city of London.
An extremely vibrant and lively city full of people, shopping, drinking, socialising. But at the same time I get the feeling that everyone is socialising within their own small bubbles.
It feels very taboo talking to people for the sake of it in
London, there is a lot of fear and paranoia, a lost sense of
Is it a reflection of our current society in this age of media
dominance that creates this anxiety, worsened specifically in
London through perhaps a concoction of reserved British
Or is it a reflection of something missing within my own life?
- Alex Bridge